50 hours (4 hours/class; twice/week; Sat - Sun {13:30 – 17:30})
50 Hours Advance Yogasana Training.
To create advancement in the practice and to let the students know what practice is best for a particular individual. • Way of sequencing ( moving in and out) of pose safely. • Skill of adjustment in safe and effective way to let student understand the lasting benefits of how yogasana works. • Application and Integration of Parnayama, Bandha, Chakras to get control of breathe to increase energy and awareness on each & every level of practice. • Step forward to achieve your dream pose. • Know self care and understand self practice to build a sustainable session. • Learn the Sanskrit names of the yogasanas.
Dates of Training
50 hours (4 hours / class ) Sat – Sun {13:30 – 17:30}
(12,13,19,20,26,27) December 2020. (9,10,16,17,23,24,30,31) January 2021.
- Master Degree in Yoga.
- E-RYT 500 from Yoga Alliance USA.
- 20 Years of Experience in the field of Yoga.
- Master of Strength.
- YIC Course.
Anupam Balel
Head of Yoga
WE Fitness Thailand
- Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Science.
- RYT 200 from Yoga Alliance USA.
- Certificate Holder in Yoga Therapy & Physiotherapy.
- 17 Years of Experience in the field of Yoga
- Master of Flexibility.
- Winner of numerous National & International Championships
Preeti kumari
Pro Yoga Master
WE Fitness Thailand
early bird 17,500 THB
Today - 21 November 2020
Weekend program(Sat & Sun) 4 Hours each day. Sat – Sun : 13.30 – 17.30